For anyone who wants to know what it is like to write a memoir it is easy to give a brief philosophy that partially addresses that question. That is if you do not get yourself emotionally involved and in tears, you are not honest enough with what you are writing.

What brings people to read about tragedy is because it is like watching or looking at a car accident and not being able to look away. It is emotional and we want to see it. We are drawn to our emotions by our emotions.

The link between writing a memoir and bringing back those emotions is a lot like that car accident we want to gawk at. If you have not brought back your personal car accident back to life in the writing it won’t be emotive enough for anyone else to want to gawk at.

I know this is kind of a short blog, I’m going to follow up on this theme in the near future, but wanted to re-introduce the theme and keep you informed of the progress.