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Posts tagged Emergency

Introduction to My Graduate Education:

Introduction to My Graduate Education: Why is “helping people” in quotes? “Helping people” is a cliché. People entering caring professions to “help people” are sadly too often not helpful or do not deal well with people. This is especially true when one is trying to help people who do not want to be helped. I [...]

Medical Practitioners and Ambulance Personnel

Dear EMS practitioners, I apologize in advance if some of this is indelicate, but it is one person’s opinion and is intended to advance the profession. Yours truly, Joe Clark Prehospital care is medical treatment and care that is given by ambulance personnel, often in an ambulance. EMTs and paramedics provide a wide range services [...]

Check out the link to EMS responder

http://www.emsresponder.com/readingroom/ Or the direct link: http://www.emsresponder.com/web/online/Reading-Room/QandA-with-Joseph-F-Clark–PhD/55$13359  will take you to EMSresponder.com where My Ambulance Education is featured along with some other EMS books. It includes a full chapter excerpt and an interview with me.

Interview Concerning My Ambulance Education

Greg Friese interview; My Ambulance Education. Recently I was interviewed by Greg Friese concerning My Ambulance Education and it was great fun. Greg had graciously supplied me with some sample questions he would start with and that helped break the ice. We talked about the general contents of the book and why I wrote it. [...]

Driving an Ambulance

A colleague asked me about the partners I had when working on the ambulance. She specifically wanted to know what female partners I had and if I had any female partners. Yes, I did indeed have several female partners. However, they were not as visible in My Ambulance Education as some of the other partners [...]

Geeks, Research and Ambulances

The National Institutes of Health fund about 40,000 grants to do medical research. Of those funded projects only 14 have to do with medical research in the pre-hospital setting. This is just sad. Over 50% of all medical emergencies that come to hospitals arrive via the ambulance. Paramedics, firefighters, EMTs, Police and a host of [...]