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Posts tagged career

200th Blog

As a person who has been trying to “help” people for an entire career. Being on the cusp of producing a drug that will drastically improve the lives of numerous patients is humbling and daunting.

When does one consider themselves ‘finished’ in life?

I’m 48 years old and I do not want to or plan to wind down my life. By many standards I guess I can be considered successful but I want more. Mind you, I’m not unhappy, but rather not done yet. I see people who are my age counting time to retirement and coasting in [...]

Becoming a scientist

I intentionally avoid this discussion of how or when I knew that being a scientist was right for me. The reason is because the answer, while truthful and kind of humorous, is not the stuff of learned scientific careers. In fact some might call it somewhat nefarious. I was always interested in science, medicine biology [...]